1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 語言課程


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: ETeacher36

學好英文寫and發音講到似西人? 女導師現正收生, 致力為學生及成年人提供高質素的私人英語度身訂造課堂,務求提升其英語水平,針對個別弱項進行改善,以切合個人的需要。

可以提供包括: 英語口語、語法、閱讀、寫作、發音、會話和日常/商用英語指導etc.


有些寫有多年經驗導師, 但最緊要是找些真的同西人程度相同, 尤其在發音、寫作方面, 這才真正幫您學好英文。


All levels are welcome even if you are an adult hoping to polish up your oral!

I was educated in English speaking countries since small. My english level is close to native speaker. One thing I could gurantee you is that you will learn English the way like a native English speaker teaches you.

Learning at local schools may be able to improve your grammar and written English. However, they could hardly help improve your speaking that I could help you!

Affordable Rate

Education background
High school from Canada
Graduated at University of Auckland, New Zealand (best-ranking in the nation)
Master earned at American University


9567 9001 (no whatsapp nor sms please)

[email protected]

Line ID: yumchaenglish1996

feel free to message me

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