2435 0038
Shop 112 G/F On Tao House Cheung On Estate Tsing Yi.
Tsing Yi Town, Hong Kong
以下課程全由外籍導師教授 .
小班比例 1:4
教材已包 (包括:lesson booklet, practice booklet, exam paper)
1. Phonics/Chatroom 拼音是學習英語最基本的工具,學好拼音,對串字、默書 、會話、和閱讀,有莫大的幫助。
2. Cambridge劍橋YLE / KET / PET課程 基本水平共分為三個級別,分別為: Starters、Movers及Flyers。進階之水平有:KET、PET及FCE。
3. Trinity Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) 聖三一國際英語口語等級考試 聖三一的GESE考試以互動的對話模式來評估考生的英語發音,語彙,文法,功能及溝通技巧。在每個等級,考生通過執行一系列的真實聽說任務來展示自己在英語口語能力上的流利度、準確度和溝通能力。
4. Primary school english intensive class 小一到小六英文專科班,緊貼教育局課程,提升英語能力。
Why Us?
Bachelor Education, established in 2003, has over 40 locations all over Hong Kong, New Territories and China. Our mission is to bring out the utmost potential in our students with our remarkable teaching model and our exceptional class materials created by our team of scholars monthly. Throughout many years, Bachelor Education has educated many outstanding students with spectacular grades and a humble learning attitude. In 2010, Modern Education, the number one educational center joined forces with Bachelor Education. Modern Education established its name in the HK educational market for over 24 years with excellence and success . It brought Bachelor Education a professional teaching model, which is proven to relate closely with the HK education system. Our educational motto is professionalism and sincerity. To us, not only are grades crucial, but the process of children learning and growing up in a happy and comfortable environment with compassionate teachers are just as important and significant.
2010年,「學士教室」更引進市場上大型補習學校的成功優勢,與香港No.1補習學校「現代教育」合作,憑藉「現代教育」24年的成功辦學經驗,為「學士教室」引入更專業、有系統的教學模式,緊貼現今教育趨勢,針對同學考試成績制定教學方針,全面提升同學的成績表現。... 承襲「學士教室」小學最強的特點及「現代教育」中學最強的優勢,「現代小學士」的分校將陸續更新教學課程、設備及分校環境,帶來全新面貌,務求令同學獲得最優質的學習環境及氣氛。 教育信念「專業、熱誠」是我們的教育理念,我們認為專業的教育對於成長中的兒童十分重要,自二零零三年成立至今,我們不斷提高教學水準。 「現代小學士」的優勢: -多元化的課程,別具心思的筆記、講解 -緊貼現今教育的趨勢與家長維持緊密的聯繫 -針對同學考試成績制定教學方針 良好的師生比例 -大學及專業的老師陣容。 真誠、耐心和負責任地教授每位學生。