1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 健康及醫療課程


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2007-02-20 刊登者: JGO Holistic Aromatherapy and Health School

Introduction to Aromatherapy and Oil Blending (HK$900)

An introductory course of aromatherapy as a healing art and the use of essential oils to counter the stresses of modern life. The course will cover the properties and usage of 20 essential oils and the blending techniques with carrier oil.


  • History of Aromatherapy / 香薰治療的歷史
  • Extraction methods of Essential oils / 精華油的制作提取方法
  • Method of Use and Contra Indications / 精華油的運用方法及禁忌
  • Administration, Quality control and Storage of Essential Oils / 精華油的處理、如何正確選購和儲存方法
  • Properties and uses of most popular 20 Essential Oils / 20種常用精華油的特性及用途
  • Properties and uses of most popular Carrier Oils
    介紹香薰治療中與精華油合作發揮作用的好伙伴 - 植物油與花水
  • Technique of Oil Blending / 香薰油的調配技巧
  • Essential oils used in Daily Skin and Body Care / 如何應用香薰於日常皮膚護理
  • Essential oils used in Daily Health Care - relief in stress, muscular pain and fatigue, stimulate immune system against infection
    香薰提升健康家居生活的應用 例如舒緩減壓、減輕痛症及肌肉疲勞、預防感染及改善身體免疫能力等

Duration 3 hours per class with 3 classes (9 hrs)
(Please refer to
Course Schedule for time table)

Tutors Professional member of either The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) or The International Federation of Aromatherpists (IFA) and currently practicing as aromathearpist

導師 國際認可香薰治療師協會 (IFA IFPA ) 的專業會員及現職香薰治療師。


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性