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Qualigenics Diabetes Centre - Diabetes Education Program

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: 確進糖尿專科中心

(Delivered by Nurse Educator and Registered Dietitian)

Diabetes is a chronic disease. Individuals with diabetes often assume that good diabetic control can be achieved by just regular follow-ups and medications alone. However, for sustained and optimal control of diabetes, patient's active self-management of their lifestyle, eating habit and emotional control is of critical importance. Due to lack of proper knowledge, patients often cannot achieve optimal diabetic control despite spending lots of time and money.

Qualigenics Diabetes Centre has designed a series of patient education programs which are tailor-made to assist patients through comprehensive assessments and practical advice to modifty their daily living to attain optimal long-term diabetic control.

I. Basic Diabetes Self-management Program
  • Total of 4 sessions (2 sessions with Nurse Educator, 2 sessions with Registered Dietitian)
  • Session length: 30 - 45 minutes each
  • Flexible time arrangement depending on individual's
    need with program completion in one year
  • Program contents:
    i. Basic knowledge of diabetes
    ii. Self blood sugar monitoring techniques
    iii. Problem shooting to overcome self-management barriers
    iv. Individualized meal planning
    v. Home cooking and eating out tips
    vi. Understanding of food labeling
    vii. Smart food choices

2. lnsulin Injection Program
  • Total of 4 sessions (2 face-to-face sessions, 2 telephone
    follow-up sessions)
  • Session length (face-to-face): 30 - 45 minutes each
  • Flexible time arrangement depending on individual's need with program completion in one year
  • Program contents include instruction on basic insulin injection techniques and practical advices on medication adjustment with individual's lifestyle, so that improvement in both diabetic control and self-management ability can be achieved in very short term.

If any diabetic patients who want to acquire knowledge and skills for proper management to prevent and control long-term diabetes complications, a comprehensive assessment and individualized educational program is essential.

For appointment or enquiries, please call (852) 3607 7800 (Central) /
(852) 2868 6020 (Shatin) or send email to
[email protected]
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