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  3. 音樂課程 - 結他

專業木,電結他私人課程 [Pop, Rock, Funk, Smooth Jazz], Professional Acoustic, Electric Guitar Private Lesson

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2016-10-07 刊登者: Teddy Fan

Teddy 是專業結他手及唱作人,畢業於美國洛杉磯現代音樂學院(Musicians Institute College of Contemporary Music) 結他系。擁有豐富的 錄音,演唱會樂手,獨立藝人樂手,作曲,編曲,教學經驗。現為美國洛杉磯現代音樂學院著音樂助教,台灣環球音樂作曲人, 香港作曲家及作詞家協會會員(Cash). 現為網絡紅人Jason Chen結他手。




受到美國音樂的影響我會教導不同的音樂類型如Pop, Rock, Funk ,Jazz, R&B, Reggae等。


PS : 本人也有樂理,作曲,編曲,Logic Pro X(音樂軟件) 課程。詳情可以發電郵給我,我會一一解答。

Email: [email protected]


Teddy is a Professional guitarist and singer songwriter, graduated from Musicians Institute College of Contemporary Music. Recording, Concert, song writing, arranging, and teaching experienced. Now I am working as a teaching assistant Musicians Institute College of Contemporary Music, Song Writer of Universal Music Taiwan, and member of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (Cash). 


Guitar Program


I like to focus on student interest and development, so I will have diffident approach to teach according to the student ability.

Also, I wish my student can learn not only guitar, but truly understand music. Therefore, music theory and listening are part of my guitar program.

American music influences me a lot, so I could like to teach different style of music like: Pop, Rock, Funk, Jazz, R&B, Reggae etc.

Apart from Guitar, I would like to teach student how to write music and dig out all the potential of my student. So that student can achieve a high level of music.

PS: I also have Music Theory, Song Writing, Arranging, and Logic Pro X (Music Software) Program. Email me for more detail.     

Email: [email protected]

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