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Professional children classical ballet education

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-11-10 刊登者: 秦懿欣芭蕾舞學院

The Art of Dancing...

Dance is an art that knows no barriers and can be enjoyed by anyone. Dance develops life skills, increases confidence and self-esteem, expression, communication and self-motivation. Dance improves posture and physical strength and develops co-ordination and appreciation of music. Dance provides new and exciting challenges and opportunities to meet like-minded people. It fosters extraversion, makes you optimistic, kind, sociable and communicative. Dance is fun!

Miss Ulian Chun believes in the importance of professional coaching in children's classical ballet education. Good teaching encourages adherence to a strict learning framework. The Royal Academy of Dance learning framework that the Ulian Chun Academy of Dance adopts is arranged according to the student's age and level, befits their needs and strengths, and helps the learners develop their full potential in a balanced and comprehensive way.

Courses are offered 
in Classical Ballet and Dance with focus on the Royal Academy of dance syllabus. The Academy's syllabi is specially designed to enable children to progress through their dance training in different stages. Students are eligible to enter the Royal Academy of Dance Grades Examination or Vocational Examination, and they will be selected for school shows. For the exceptionally talented, they may be auditioned for ballet productions or open competitions.

Year-round Courses:

  • Beginners Ballet: 3 yrs. to 5 yrs
  • Classical Ballet: 5 yrs. and above
  • Vocational Ballet: 11 yrs. and up (With R.A.D. G5 standard)
  • Adult Ballet: 14 yrs. and up, no previous training required
  • Chinese Dance: 4 yrs. and up
  • European Folk Dance
  • Teacher's training Class

Headquarters: Ulian Chun Academy of Dance, 15/F, West Wing, Sincere Insurance Building, 4-6 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

Telephone: 60830726   
Fax: 25593048
Email: [email protected]

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