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CCDC Dance Centre - 200小時「Yoga Alliance」認可專業教師培訓證書課程(2014)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-04-17 刊登者: CCDC Dance Centre

200小時「Yoga Alliance」認可專業教師培訓證書課程(2014)

由CCDC舞蹈中心 & Barefoot Yoga Studio(美國)合辦認可專業教師培訓證書課程為有志在瑜伽教學發展之學員提供一個全面而扎實的基礎。我們致力為每位學員提供具質素的瑜伽教學所需的知識與教學技巧,同時表彰學員的內在智慧和真實的聲音。畢業之學員將充分裝備成為專業瑜珈導師,準備好為任何年齡、體質、甚或受傷患困擾的學生授課。
課程編號:YTC002-2014 日 期:14.07-08.08.2014 (Orientation session on 13 July 6pm) 上課時間:逢星期一至五 8:30am-4:30pm 及星期六 8:30am-1pm 上課地點:CCDC舞蹈中心 [ *逢星期六上課地點將容後公佈 ] 導 師:楊惠美@ Barefoot Yoga Studio及認可註冊客席導師 上課資格: 學員須擁有一年或以上的實踐瑜伽經驗,或由導師推薦方可參加。 費 用: HK$25025.00 (*CCDC Dance Card持有人可享九折優待)
早報優惠: HK$19998.00 (於30.04.2014或以前報名) HK$22522.00 (於01.05-15.06.2014期間報名)
報名手續: 可於CCDC舞蹈中心網站www.ccdcdc.com.hk下載報名表
查詢 電話: 2328 9205
電郵: [email protected] / [email protected] 網址: www.ccdcdc.com.hk 歡迎加入我們的facebook: CCDC.Dance.Centre
======================================================= YOGA NOW 200-hr Yoga Alliance Accredited Teacher Training Certification Course (2014)
Empowers and Transforms Your LIFE
Co-Presented by CCDC Dance Centre, HK and Barefoot Yoga Studio, U.S.A
Our certified teacher training program creates a solid and well-rounded founda¬tion in the art of teaching yoga. We are committed to providing each student with the necessary tools to teach with compassion, integrity and knowledge while honoring their own internal wisdom, and authentic voice. Each student will leave with confidence that they are ready to teach yoga to all students regardless of age, physical fitness, or injuries.
Course Code: YTC002-2014 Date: 14.07-08.08.2014 (Orientation session on 13 July 6pm) Schedule: Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm & Saturday 8:30am-1pm Location: CCDC Dance Centre, 110 Shatin Pass Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, HK Faculty: Wai Mei Yeung-Boswell @Barefoot Yoga Studio and guest teachers Eligible Candidates: Should have practice yoga at least one year or consent from the instructor
Course fee: HK$25025.00 (*10% disscounts for CCDC Dance Card Holder)
Early Bird Period: HK$19998.00 (on or before 30.04.2014) HK$22522.00 (Enroll during 01.05-15.06.2014)
Application: Application Forms can be downloaded at www.ccdcdc.com.hk
Enquiry Tel: 2328 9205
Email:[email protected] / [email protected] Website: www.ccdcdc.com.hk Join our facebook: CCDC.Dance.Centre

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性