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Baby Dance

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-06-07 刊登者: Cathy

No child is too young for Baby Dance. All children from 0-3 years, including babies, love new experiences and benefit from developing sensory, social and communication skills through activities. Baby Dance offers children the opportunity to increase their cognitive skills, fine and gross motor skills, body control, hand-eye co-ordination, spatial awareness, and mostly importantly, sense of rhythm. Children also develop verbal and non-verbal communication skills through their contact with other children and adults in their daily activities.

Baby Dance combines the 4 fundamental elements of Dance and Music – Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop and Modern together with body muscle development activities – Yoga, Gym, and Massage. This approach engages the whole body in the learning experience, which makes learning easier, more fun and memorable. Courses nurture your child’s love of dance and music through age sensitive and developmentally appropriate physical activities.

It is our goal at the Baby Dance to provide the best possible training and to develop each child’s talents to his or her potential from the infant stage. The ultimate purpose is to grow self-confidence and to find a healthy balance, which leads to a more successful life!

More information in : http://www.babydance.hk/e/default_home.asp

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