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春蕾舞台藝術工作坊 Channy Stage Arts Workshop

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-05-18 刊登者: 春蕾舞台藝術工作坊 Channy Stage Arts Workshop

春蕾舞台藝術工作坊 Channy Stage Arts Workshop

Courses for Adults : Yoga / Jazz Funk / Chinese dance / Ballet. Good to exercise your body, relax and shape up your figures. Private classes can be arranged per your convenience.



Yoga is for health and relaxation. Studying the depth of the body gives the opportunity to heal sickness by correcting aspects of our mind and driving the energy into the right channels. This course will be focused on the practice of breathing; energy is allowed to circulate properly in the body by cycles of healthy postures and positions. The goal of this course is to strengthen our inner energy. Movement stimulates the body’s internal organs and different corresponding breathing patterns are integrated. Postures like sitting, lying and standing are smoothly and harmoniously connected through the use of breath, which mobilizes the spine, hips and the entire body.

Under the direction of our teacher, we can re-educate the body to move more fluidity, relaxation, power and encourage healthier functioning of the internal organs.


Hatha Yoga (medium - english)

Tutor:Charles TseYoga Alliance certified yoga teacher who has started practicing yoga 14 years ago. He learned Yoga from one of the best Yoga school in IndiaKrishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram.

We offer 2 levels of Yoga suitable for Beginners & Intermediate Students.


Jazz / Hip Hop

Technical Jazz will warm you up with attention to core strength and flexibility. Jazz Technique is the foundation for all dance movement. The style of the dance is fun and energetic, which consist of unique moves, fancy footwork, big leaps and quick turns. This course has a multi-disciplinary approach which provides a strong basis and allows for the pursuit and development of individual strengths and interests. Students will learn the basics of jazz technique: isolations, syncopated movement and coordination exercises. Many other dance styles are included in the jazz dance, such as hip hop, poping, girls and boys funk. Most of the jazz music are arranged with nowadays pop songs, and knead with ballet, chinese dance, spanish dance and modern…. By using different style of songs, and working in with dance compile, students can fully develop freestyle or multi-technique and manage the challenging and gentleness during the dance.

We provide dance studio with sprung flooring, full-length wall mirrors and practice bars. Our faculty is one of the accomplished teacher and dancer, who will lead for building the strength and stamina required for musical theatre.

 Experience the culture... by performing the traditional Chinese dance.

Chinese dance, an uniue code of exploration on feminine, charming, elegant and delicacy. Designed program on training for adults, not only focus on skill of dancing, but ideal exercise to relax muscles and shape-up body figure.

Taught according to syllabus of Chinese Beijing Dance Examination. Students are trained for competition pergormances and exams.



Enquiries : 28189733
Website : www.channy-arts.com
Address : 3B, Nan Sang Building, 86 Belcher's Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong


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