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Argentine Tango Dance

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-08-18 刊登者: Tango
Argentine Tango Dance

We teach the very rare form of dance called "Argentine Tango"

Very few people have seen this orignal form of tango before in Hong Kong. They are not the same "Ballroom Tango" that you may have seen in TVs or competition.

This is the most orignal form of "Tango" coming directly from Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentine 120 years ago.

We are one of the few couples in Hong Kong that perform and teach this dance.

You don't need to be a dancer before in order to learn this dance.  This is a very beautiful and romantic dance practiced by the real Argentinean as part of their daily life. A social activity to meet friends.

This is our website, and you see many videos and read about history of this dance

If you are interested in learning, or just to find out more, feel free to contact us. We are very happy just to talk about this dance and give you more information before you decide to learn or not.

[email protected]
Mobile phone: 9267-6627 (SMS welcome)
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