本課程適合中學生及有志於室內設計行業發展之人士修讀,透過建立學員的創意及有 效率的傳意技巧,讓學員理解整體室內設計的學習綱領,學習創新的技巧,從而勝任室內設計輔助員的角色,符合工作環境的需求及期望。本課程也能培育出高質素 的學員,因此,學員完成課程後均擁有保護社會環境責任的概念及合乎將來室內設計及建築設計界人才的資格。
Course Objective
The program provides an understanding of the inter-disciplinary nature of interior design through the development of creative and effective communication techniques. The course has a practical and vocational orientation with a contemporary theoretical underpinning to post-secondary standard. The course aims at providing students with the innovative technical expertise necessary to fulfill the role of supporting staff for interior design and practically adaptable to the expectations of the workplace.
課程內容 Content
電腦繪圖 ︰ Computer Graphic | 繪圖學、平面電腦繪圖及立體電腦繪圖 Principles of Graphic Communication and AutoCAD 2D and 3D presentation |
傢俬設計 ︰ Furniture Design | 材料學、傢俬設計及空間規劃 Materials, Furniture Design and Space Planning |
室內建築組件︰ Building Components | 構件設計及燈飾造型 Component Design and Building Components |
燈飾設計 ︰ Lighting Fittings | 環境學及燈飾造型 Environmental and Lighting Design |
方案設計 ︰ Design Studio | 居室方案、傢俬設計及設計實務及程序 Home Planning Project, Furniture Design Project and Practice & Procedures |
可獲資格 Qualification Awarded
修讀期 Duration
上課時間 Time
入讀資格 Entry Requirements
學費 Tuition Fee
全期合共港幣14,100元正,於註冊時、課程第三及第 五個月繳交,每期學費港幣4,700元正。
凡申請持續進修基金之學員,請按月繳費。(完成文憑課程後,可獲發還之持 續進修基金助學金為港幣10,000元正)
HKD14,100 by three equal installments (HKD4,700 x3) payable on registration, the third and the fifth month of academic year.
For those students who want to apply CEF, please pay the tuition fee by monthly installment. (A fund of HKD10,000 from CEF will be granted to student upon completion of the course)
詳情請到 http://www.ymca.edu.hk/default.aspx?subURL=programme.ascx&cateId=042F3067-E8EE-44C3-9ED8-921F7BEBA366&TitleImg=top_011.jpg&SubCateTitle=%E8%AA%B2%E7%A8%8B%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99&SubCateId=228fad35-703f-4983-975a-116e4e20325b&Pid=6752f5f3-3d50-441b-82ef-c67086fdbd84