1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 兒童興趣班

An innovative and passionate team of early childhood educators

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-03-28 刊登者: SPRING Learning

SPRING has been conceived with the single aim of helping children achieve their development and learning potential during the crucial growth years.

We believe the key components in achieving this are creating environments where a child is immersed in a mix of properly designed stimulation activities and providing the primary caregiver with the necessary know-how to augment that ongoing process.

We bring together a wide spectrum of bespoke, age-appropriate programmes for children combined with a comprehensive support and resource network to enhance the competency of parents and caregivers. An innovative and passionate team of early childhood educators, child specialists, nutritionists and occupational therapists collaborate to make every experience at SPRING positive and enlightening.

Spring your child’s potential by awakening their abilities through fun, directed activities.


3/F, Centre Point
181-185 Gloucester Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
T +852 3465 5000
F +852 3747 2646


Opening Hours (commencing 19 February 2013)
Tuesday – Sunday, 9:00a.m – 6:00p.m (except public holidays and certain festivities)

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