Mindcrafters Learning Centre The Founders of MINDCRAFTERS LEARNING CENTRE (“Mindcrafters”) are strongly inspired by the philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori and her teaching method. It is a revolutionary method of observing and supporting the natural development of children. We believe Montessori educational practice helps children to develop problem solving, critical thinking and creativity, time-management skills, to contribute to society, and to become fulfilled persons in their particular time.
The Montessori learning approach is very different from the traditional model. Instead of information passing from the teacher to the student, the teacher is skilled in putting the child in touch with the environment, and helping the child learn to make intelligent choices and to carry out research in a prepared environment. The teacher then protects the student's concentration from interruption. This fosters a love of lifetime learning in the student and is exactly the Mindcrafters’ belief to nurture children with a positive and healthy lifetime learning habit.
Keep in mind a triangle: the student, the parent or teacher, and the environment. It is the role of the adult to prepare, and continue to prepare, the environment, to link the child to it through well-thought-out introductions to books and materials, projects, and lessons, which help to nurture the child's exploration and creativity. Children thus taught often surpass both the level of education of their peers, and the knowledge of the adult in all areas -- then they learn to find answers for themselves.
Learning is a lifetime process. As parents or guardians of our precious ones, we have the responsibility to help them cultivate a positive self-learning habit which will be useful for the rest of their lives. We strongly believe that the success of a child is pretty much attributed to this habit in respect of self-exploring, self-learning, self-correcting, self-reflecting and self-discipline (5S) and we are here to offer suitable programmes to both adults and children for this purpose.
辦公時間 Office Hour Mon, Wed & Fri : 14:00 - 18:00 Tues, Thurs & Sat : 10:00 - 18:00 Sun & Public Holidays : Closed
地址香港西營盤高街75號地下 電話 3485 3585 傳真 3485 8675 電郵 [email protected] 網址 http://www.mindcraftershk.com/