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Sunflowers Education提供英語課程、遊戲基礎課程、家長工作坊等服務

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-10-16 刊登者: Sunflowers Education

Sunflowers Education

Welcome to our Center's blog! Here at Sunflowers, your child's QUALITY English education is our prime concern. We believe that parents and teachers are partners and we try to be involved as much as possible to make your child a success! 歡迎臨本研習舍博客﹐我門以提高小朋友的英語水評為我門最主要目的。我門深信家長是我門最大的合作夥伴﹐如此同時並希望本社能積極參於小朋友的教育學習 ﹐以達至更顯著成效。謝謝。

Call MISS Tobie Lam at 3481-0985 for an appointment.
Email [email protected].
Website : http://www.sunflowerseducation.com/
Address :九龍觀塘道388號創紀之城一期一座32樓10-18室


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