悅學 Learning Delight
Creative Art 創意畫班Specially designed for children aged 3 and above to learn in a creative and stimulating environment. Introducing the basic painting techniques and concept of colors used and composition through guiding children to create their own pieces of art with different themes, materials and paints. 悅學藝術專為3歲或以上的孩子而設。透過不同題材、物料及顏料,教授色彩運用、構圖設計及繪畫技巧,同時讓孩子發揮觀察力、想像力及創造力。
Shop No.UG65B, UG/F, Citywalk 2, 18 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan地址:荃灣楊屋道18號荃新天地2 UG65B舖
電話:3689 6908
電郵:[email protected]