SPEICAL OFFERNEW ARRIVALSACMEATLASBachmannBrawaBrekinaChina Model RailwayESUFallerFLEISCHMANNJaegerndorferLenzLGBLiliputMarklinMicro-MetakitMTHNochNZGPECOPreiserRocoSeutheSommerfeldtTrainoRamaTrixUhlenbrockUSA TrainViessmannVoith MaximaVollmerWilescoZ21 Digital centreZIMO
Lee Kwon Hobbies Co is the model railway specialist shop in Hong Kong since 1990. We import, distribute and retail the worldwide model railways and model railways' accessories. 香港九龍油麻地廟街36-40永星大廈地下A舖Shop A, G/F., Wing Sing Building, 36-40. Temple Street,Yaumatei, Kowloon, Hong Kong.Tel: (852) 2397 5719 Fax: (852) 2397 0455Email: [email protected]營業時間/Open hours: 13:30 - 20:30 星期三休息/Wednesday closed網址:http://modelrailway.com.hk