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宜生國際控股有限公司可提供立體人像/卡通手板/建築模型/工業產品模型等制作服務, 多年來為各企業客戶提供3D快速成型打印及3D掃瞄服務。

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-11-07 刊登者: 宜生國際控股有限公司
宜 生 國 際 控 股 有 限 公 司

Easy International Holdings Co., Ltd.

本公司成立于2003年, 在香港/澳門/深圳提供專業的3D模型制作及3D工業設計服務, 公司設有美國工業級3D打印機/打磨及噴油配套設備, 可提供立體人像/卡通手板/建築模型/工業產品模型等制作服務, 多年來為各企業客戶提供3D快速成型打印及3D掃瞄服務。為配合中國市場需求, 2013年更生產3D立體打印耗材產品。

The company was founded in 2003, with a company in Hong Kong / Macau / Shenzhen to provide professional 3D modeling and 3D industrial design services, the  America Industrial 3D printer / grinding and fuel injection equipment, Provide 3D portrait print / Hand  model / Building model / industrial product model and production services, It is our focus to provide 3D printer and 3D scanning services  for our customers; to meet the needs of the Chinese market, started acting  production from 2013, 3D three-dimensional printer supplies products.

宜生國際控股有限公司廠房擁有3D打印線材, 均採用原裝美國及台灣進口原材料製作, 使打印成品不會翹邊, 打印流暢, 不易塞頭, 100%支援多款3D打印機品牌使用, 備有各款顏色, ABSPLA 1.75MM / 3.0MM線材, 材料足重1KG/卷

本廠最新產品- 3D Printer Filament:
公司設有美國工業級3D打印機/打磨及噴油配套設備提供3D快速成型打印及3D掃瞄服務company in Hong Kong / Macau / Shenzhen to provide professional 3D modeling and 3D industrial design servicescompany in Hong Kong / Macau / Shenzhen to provide professional 3D modeling and 3D industrial design services
provide 3D printer and 3D scanning services  for our customers為香港及海外客戶提供高質量的噴畫及展覽提供3D快速成型打印及3D掃瞄服務為香港及海外客戶提供高質量的噴畫及展覽
Provide 3D portrait print / Hand  model / Building model / industrial product model and production services提供3D快速成型打印及3D掃瞄服務Provide 3D portrait print / Hand  model / Building model / industrial product model and production servicesprovide 3D printer and 3D scanning services  for our customers
provide 3D printer and 3D scanning services  for our customersProvide 3D portrait print / Hand  model / Building model / industrial product model and production servicesProvide 3D portrait print / Hand  model / Building model / industrial product model and production services可提供立體人像/卡通手板/建築模型/工業產品模型等制作服務

Provide 3D portrait print / Hand  model / Building model / industrial product model and production services 可提供立體人像/卡通手板/建築模型/工業產品模型等制作服務 Provide 3D portrait print / Hand  model / Building model / industrial product model and production services
可提供立體人像/卡通手板/建築模型/工業產品模型等制作服務 Provide 3D portrait print / Hand  model / Building model / industrial product model and production services 可提供立體人像/卡通手板/建築模型/工業產品模型等制作服務

電話: 852-3594 9723
傳真:852-8167 6166
電郵:[email protected]
電話:86-755-8281 0678  / 86-755-8884 6083
傳真: 86-755-8281 0938 
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性