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Google Android Figures 谷歌 機械人 公仔 模型 亞洲官方分銷 批發 Wholesale

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-12-10 刊登者: Boldwin Industrial Company Limited

ANDROID ROBOT is the android operating system mascot created by Google, Inc. and licensed to Dead Zebra, Inc.; distributed by our company “Boldwin Industrial Company Limited” in Asia.  

ANDROID is a 3” tall recycle PVC collectible figure, 14 designs packed in a blind box and display case per each series.    Series one was sold out in a minutes and became a hot toys in the market!  Series 02 was lined up five different U.S.A well-known top artists - Andrew Bell, Dokta A, Gary Ham, J Kaslik and Scott Tolleson with the new clear transparent body, funny accessories and some designs mixed with delightful scent powder, it will be a craze in the toy scene!

Please contact us for our further discussion!

Beside Series 02, Standard Green Robot and DIY Edition are also available for your selection! Detail information please refer to our webpage, www.boldwin.co/sourcecms_content_1_HK_401_index.htm


谷歌機械人為谷歌智能手機作業糸統的吉祥公仔,由谷歌公司設計、班馬公司發行、本公司寳頴實業有限公司” 為唯一授權生產商及亞州代理。

第一版的谷歌機械人在美國火速售罄,迅即成為熱炒玩具!有見及此,班馬公司更誠邀5 位美國頂尖設計師加盟第二版的設計創作!除了他們5位的獨特設計意念,當中更增加了全透明PVC機械人身體、彷真配件及當中調配兩款香味混入了PVC!第二版的設計意念必定令你驚喜,必定再成為熱炒玩具及創出驚人銷售量 


除了第二版以外,原版綠色及DIY版本亦可供選擇!詳情請參考我們的網頁 www.boldwin.co/sourcecms_content_1_HK_401_index.htm 

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性