1. 88DB
  2. 消閒及娛樂
  3. 派對場地

Join Fun Camping Membership will receive priority booking and discounts for the fun camping activ

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2006-10-17 刊登者: Fun Camping

Encourage your child to reach their full potential

We at Fun Camping have arranged a series of fun and exciting activities for you kids in preparation for the sizzling Christmas that’s just around the corner. Through various open-air games and activities, your kids can work on their physical fitness, learn new skills and increase their enthusiasm for the outdoors; having fun with their friends all the while! ?Through healthy outdoor activities, physical training and interaction with their peers, Fun Camping aims to train the IQ, EQ and AQ of your children. With an enhanced mental prowess they will be better prepared for this ever-changing world, able to face whatever challenges that are placed before them in the future!

Only HK$180/set camouflage uniform for old

Members (please indicate your membership number)

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