1. 88DB
  2. 消閒及娛樂
  3. 買賣交易


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-11-15 刊登者: i-Dea
About us:       

"i-Dea" and " Cre-Art" are powered by Creative Marketing Co (HK). Our  associate partner Aesop Marketing Corporation, the founder, MarkJoyner, of which built SearchHound with $0 and sold for US$400,000.00,   assists  in supplying information. 

We eagerly provide marketing and internet knowledge with our experienced experts and international partners. Our promotional products include Make Your Site Sell  and other famous  reference books. We also provide wedding gifts.

"i-Dea" gives you more than its meaning. You can explore new fields in marketing, business development, computer study, promotion, shopping, DIY and more.

We aim to help you improve yourself by adding value. We will reveal the SECRET of Internet Marketing for you without reservation.

我們提供專業服務為您開鑿大路,   並介紹
各式參考書目及商用技巧, 助您增值

For more details:  [email protected]

Fax: (852)-30056177

Tel: (852) -26529471

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