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《hinge》Vol.134, leading monthly architecture and design magazine in Hong Kong.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2007-12-04 刊登者: hingeNet Service

Vol. 130


Striving to create wonder, Johnny Wong of Fake takes the cake!
h spot
CRAVE Design Studio revels in stardom with NY's newfound Koi
Industry fairs, intriguing products and newly revived projects
out there
The red carpet is rolled out for leading artists and educators
Beijing's performance artist, Li Wei makes a splash in
Hong Kong's Harbour
* McGuire brandishes nature's beauty in its latest collections
* Lutron radiates worldwide as a lighting powerhouse
A newly transformed village house graces Hong Kong's waterfront
project news
Natural highs are discovered in the latest architectural feats
cover story
hinge deconstructs construction by taking a look at materials, the building blocks of today's prominent architecture and interiors.
project files
* Hard at work: A contemporary office chooses Korean flavouring
* An interactive exhibition gallery gives viewers a city in lights
* Fluidity and mobility are the secret ingredients of the new Ray Residence
* One Plus Partnership keeps its Wuhan showflat straight and narrow
Poetic haven found in Louisiana's Holy Rosary church complex
global perspective
Flourishing in Australia, a firm looks to branch out over Asia

Polycarbonates, plywood, plastics, acrylics, Corian, laminates, veneers, composites... Or maybe it has.

At a fundamental level, buildings and rooms are for the most part constructed using the same handful of substances the Greeks, Romans and Imperial Chinese used. That's because they made sense and still do, at least to some degree. That's also because they tended to endure - literally, yes, but also in our tastes. The old growth forests may be gone, some mountains of stone quarried out, and the economics or environmental ethics of concrete or steel may be evolving, but in the end, we haven't truly invented much in the way of primary building materials since the takeover of steel and concrete. Well, steel and concrete are brilliant materials, refined for their intense practicality, then beloved for their aesthetic sensuality. But what of their even older cousins - stone, masonry and wood? Can we conceive of a time when the natural beauty and infinite variation of stone, or the unsurpassed warmth of wood will no longer appeal? Endless kilometres of marble paving modern hotel lobbies has failed to squelch the unique pleasure of studying the individual grains and colour tones of the stuff. And we defy anyone to resist a beautifully carpentered wall panel in oak or wenge or walnut. These are materials that outlive trends and fashions, because of their variety yes, but also because of what never changes about them: their natural depth of beauty......

click and read story in pdf

Contact us:

Gary Chung
[email protected]

Advertising Executive
Pinky Chick

[email protected]

Danny Chung
[email protected]

James Saywell

[email protected]

Assistant Editors
Deborah Erwin
[email protected]

Sub Editor
Prem Samtani

Features Writer
Estella Hung
[email protected]

Advertising Manager
Pinky Chick
[email protected]

Design and Artwork
Tango Design


Hinge Marketing Ltd (Hong Kong)
24/F., Empire Land Commerical Centre,
81 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong SAR
Tel: (852) 2520 2468 Fax: (852) 2836 3327
[email protected]


Hinge is the leading monthly architecture and design magazine in Hong Kong. We take a dynamic and innovative approach to the disciplines of architecture and design, juxtaposing bold graphics and striking visuals with lively and informative editorial.
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