英国 ALCHEMY gothic 飾品系列 made in UK
--- Rings , Pendant , Neck Thongs , Shakles , Watchs , Shirt Accessories , Leatherware & Accessories . Earrings , Bracelets , Buckles , Posters / Postcards / Stash Tin / Flags
, Heargear & Patchs , Short & Long T-shirts , The Skullery...........
wellcome to contact us at tel: 2411 0772 or e-mail: [email protected]
show room: 荃灣荃豐中心C21 , 2/f.,(荃灣MTR出)
web site: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/metalwearcollection
we are the wholesales agent of the " ALCHEMY GOTHIC" u.k.
wellcome you to Order the following Items Products.
Should you have any enquiry, please contact us at [email protected]