Indians wrist band | |
| 「由非洲至斐濟」 嘉年華遊戲 - 瘋狂的搞笑競技遊戲,取材自世界各地的奇風異俗,讓參加者轉一個國度,体驗不同民俗的遊戲與歡樂。 "From Athabaskan to Zulu" Carnival An eye opening experience of games and competition from cultures of different corners of the world. |
| 「園遊自助餐」 充滿普羅旺斯風味,設在草坪上的閒逸自助晚餐,有豐富海鮮、特色沙律和歐洲小食、扒類、意粉及其他意、法名菜。四周是開倘的大自然,友伴就在桌邊,湖光喁喁,為酒餚添一分滋味.....
"Al fresco buffet" Culinary delights form Provence and Mediterranean countries and a sumptuous BBQ served with a splendid sunset, a gleaming moon and glittering stars |
| 「營火晚會」 在星光下的湖畔圍坐營火,與您一起唱不知名或熟悉的歌曲,一起跳不知名或熟悉的舞蹈,一下子將南半球至北極圈的異國風情都拉到跟前。 A festive bonfire An eclectic mix of folk song sing a long, ethnic dances like Maori Dance and Inuit Drum Dance around a lakeside campfire will certainly be the climax of the program
時間Time:4:00pm - 9:00pm
成人Adults $168
小童Children( 3-12歲 ) $118
Free admission for children under age of 3 and accompanied by parents.
Small groups, families and big groups are all welcome.
Private parties can be reserved for groups over 150.
舉辦日期:一般於週末及假期舉辦, 星期一至五視報名人數而定
Programme Day: Normally held on weekends and public holidays.
Weekday program can also be arranged on request.