潛水樂園渡假村位處於菲律賓中部宿霧之勿丹島,水清沙幼,四季佳宜潛水,平均氣溫在30℃左右,而且往來交通方便,由香港至宿霧飛行時間為二小時二十分鐘。由宿霧機場乘車只需十 五分鐘車程十分方便。
宿霧位於亞熱帶地區,潛水 點深度由數十尺至數百尺,遍佈七彩繽紛之珊瑚、海洋魚類品種及物產豐富,形成各種大小魚類棲息的好地方。魚類方面有成群結隊的海狼魚、獅子魚、海馬、海 龍、鰻魚、石班魚、大量的珊瑚魚及珊瑚,而且更有一群群的倉魚伴遊及如有幸可與難得一見的鯨鯊見見面。宿霧更是開始及進修潛水的理想地點,海床由淺至深, 數十個潛水地點及保護區可作各種各樣的潛水及課程的需要。而且潛水樂園渡假村已為你準備好一切課程所須、潛水導師(華藉導師)課本及潛水儀器。
Paradive H.K. Scuba Diving Resort is located in Mactan Island Lapu-Lapu City in Cebu. The Island is acknowledged by worldwide for nature of Coral areas in the Asia. She possesses one of the most unique marine ecosystems in the world; parading fishes such as Baracuda, Sting-Ray, Buffalo fish, Jack fish and Whales-Shark as well as abundant richness of hard and soft coral. Our Resort is equipped with full diving facilities.
- Professional NAUI, SSI, PADI, CMAS Dive Instructor and Dive Master.
- Offering all Diving Course, Specialty Course and Instructor Course.
- Standard/Family Room accommodation
- Bedding, electrical light, power point (220V), Air Conditional
- All rooms are will private toilet and hot water shower
- Bar Counter with Dinning Hall
Friendly Resort staffs are there to great you with warm welcome and ensure the guests stay at Paradive Resort to be a reminiscent and unforgettable experience.
聯絡:Mr. Yu
電話:2355 7010
電郵:[email protected]