榮仕廊素以「優質服務及信譽」為宗旨,為顧客提供超過數千款來自世界各地的馳名佳釀,迎合各方喜好,更讓愛酒之士得以品嚐到不同的風味。紅酒、白酒、香檳、烈酒、啤酒、冰酒及黃酒等等一應俱全,產地包括法國、意大利、德國、美國、澳洲、紐西蘭、智利、南非、加拿大及馬其頓等,各具風格。價錢方面則由十數元至數萬元不等,可謂豐儉由人,各式其色。此外,若能於 品嚐佳釀時,配合嚐酒的專門知識,更能提升享受的層次,其樂無窮。因此,榮仕廊經常舉辦各式各樣子的試酒會及講座,除為顧客帶來多新口味外,更推廣嚐酒知識,藉品嚐佳釀提升個人品味及休閒生活享受的一部份。
Vins Gallery Group has been established in Hong Kong for more than 10 years. Our mission" promote the wine culture and honor the drinkers" always guides our development. We source the most value for money wines all over the world to support restaurants, wine shops and corporate clients in Hong Kong.
We co-operate with various wine shops to have joint promotions, introducing very attractive package to end customers. We provide professional consultancy advice to restaurants on wine and coordinate various events for them. We also reserve prestige wine for our corporate clients to entertain their honorable guests or pick up wine for their celebrating parties.