邊到有產前講座聽. 有冇一d係唔洗錢嫁?!事關我估我應該有左bb喇. 我想ready定呀.
By funfun (小學生) on 2010-07-27 答案 3 觀看次數 66
By zoe (小學生) on 2010-07-28
仁安醫院有夫供 產前講座 wor 可以去聽下! http://hk.88db.com/Baby-Maternity/Maternity-Course/ad-2398870/
By tat (小學生) on 2010-07-27
you can find on the internet ar!!!!!!!!!!!!you can also jion on the internet tooand many hopsital have interview for baby!!!!!!!!!!!!
such as 廣華hopsital!!!!!
By Jay (中學生) on 2010-07-27
其實你去睇doctor去check的時候 醫生會介紹一d講座比你