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Glorious Motors Limited提供汽車買賣、汽車驗車、汽車維修等服務

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-03-26 刊登者: Glorious Motors Limited

於一九九三年成立,多年來均忠誠地奉行 “以客為本”的精神,經營高質素全新及易手名車買賣。由於我們的團隊一直都堅持誠實、可靠及守法的專業守則, 所以無論是顧客及商譽都不斷與日倶增,現今已在香港汽車銷售界建立了一定地位。

東榮汽車集團致力為客戶提供高質素名廠汽車搜尋及買賣服務。我們的採購、銷售及後勤團隊都具備豐富的經驗及專業知識, 從世界各地入口高質素的新舊名車, 其中包括從英國及曰本入口的右駄名車,也有從美國入口的左駄名車再轉運往鄰近左駄汽車市場。

為配合客戶的需要,集團提供完善的一站式服務,包括按揭、保險、幸運車牌、資訊、驗車、保養及美容等, 務求令顧客 “買得放心 ,用得安心”。

GLORIOUS MOTORS LIMITED is a leading vehicle-trading company. We have been established since 1993 with core business in new and pre-owned automobiles. Over the past decade, we had developed a professional team dedicated to provide high quality pre-sales and after-sales services to our customers. Our success was revealed by our increasing sales turnover and an expanding customer base. Glorious Motors imports both left-handed and right-handed drive car from different countries to fulfill the unique market demand of new and pre-owned car in Hong Kong. Our major partner and suppliers are from UK, Europe, USA and Japan. Paralleled with our core automobile trade business, we also provide one-stop service to our customers such as Hire-Purchase, Insurance, Trade-in, Lucky Registration Number, etc.

於二零零七年成立,致力為客戶提供完善的汽車維修保養服務,並引進平治及寶馬等名廠品牌原廠選用之電腦檢測系統,每輛東榮銷售的車輛都必經嚴謹的測試調校。東榮客戶專享的汽車售後保養計劃, 在業界也享負良好聲譽, 絕對能令客戶稱心滿意。
GLORIOUS MOTORS SERVICES LIMITED is the service arm of GLORIOUS MOTORS GROUP. We invest to install the Dealer’s choice computerized checking systems (e.g. BMW & Mercedes Benz). Our high quality pre-sales and post-sales repair and maintenance services scheme are one of the ‘best buy’ in the market which earned positive feedback and continuous support from our customers.
Registered Member of Hong Kong Licensed Automobile
Importer and Distributor

Member of Hong Kong Right Hand Drive Motors Association
東榮汽車集團及東榮汽車服務有限公司均榮獲香港品質保證局頒發 ISO 9001:2008 品質管理體系證書。

Glorious Motors Limited and Glorious Motors Services Limited always keep our promise of quality services and quality management system. We have successfully gained the credit and certification of ISO 9001:2008.

總公司 Head Office
九龍灣臨樂街19號 南豐商業中心1011-1012室

電話: 2174 0001

傳真: 2174 0007
Flat 11-12, 10/F, Nan Fung Commercial Centre, 19 Lam Lok St, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon.

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聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性