1. 88DB
  2. 汽車及電單車
  3. 汽車維修、保養及改裝


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2023-03-27 刊登者: 皮藝家有限公司
      Vehicle,Car,Automotive exterior,Car seat
      Car,Luxury vehicle,Vehicle
      Car,Vehicle,Luxury vehicle,

皮藝家有限公司 ( Pierre Ka Limited ) Leather repair
皮革修復是一門專業的技術,作為一個皮革修復師,除了要有熟練的手藝外,也要具有藝術的觸覺,視皮革如藝術品般看待,才能感受到皮革散發出來的韻味,皮藝家有限公司正是抱持這個理念,堅持把受損 位置修復至接近完美的效果,即使需要額外付出時間處理也很樂意,因深明客戶對我們的期盼。
Leather repair is a professional technique. Except Dr.Leather has a skillful technique, also must need a sense of art.
以往的皮革修復只是將損壞的皮革割掉,然後重新縫上另一塊相似的皮革 ( 拉皮 ),或用不適合的材料修補受損部位後便塗上有損皮革的塗層,這些做法對于消費者是極不公平,因為高級的皮製品的價值正是那細潤柔軟的皮革。
In the past, technician only fill a damage area on a leather / vinyl with an incorrect material, otherwise replace an original leather by similar leather. It is very unfair for consumer. It is because that a highclass leather give us softness texture.
Pierre Ka Limited import material and technique from America and Europe. We import various materials to upgrade the technique of leather repair. We use high quality product to serve consumer.
  • 車箱的皮革及硬膠部件修復,如汽車皮革座位的花痕及穿孔。
  • 遊艇的人造皮革梳化的修復、梳化深層清潔。
  • 酒店、住宅的皮革製品修復。
Pierre Ka Limited can provide service includes in the following:
  • Auto interior repair ( such as leather, vinyl, plastics parts, scratch, tear)
  • Vinyl sofa of yacht, deep cleaning,
  • Home service for hotels, home, motor shop, etc.
收取貨件,送交工場處理 ( 不設最低消費 )
We may visit your place to provide service.



真皮維修 Leather Repair
我們視客戶的用品如藝術品般看待,因此,將 「藝」字融入公司名中,成為皮藝家有限公司。

Tel: ( 852 ) 60188931


E-mail: [email protected] Send photos by Line or Whats Apps for giving a quotation for your reference. (852) 51128962


Contact name: Mr. Magic Tai


Address: Unit 301, 3/F, Hung To Centre, 94-96 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong



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