1. 88DB
  2. 汽車及電單車
  3. 汽車維修、保養及改裝

We specialized in all kinds of auto barriers with installation and maintenance services

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-02-10 刊登者: 天耀停車場設備有限公司
        We specialized in all kinds of auto barriers with installation and maintenance services. Auto Barrier S328 - especially designed for the parking industry. It provides maximum flexibility, functionality and reliability while maintaining traditional economy and efficiency. System controls like push button, vehicle detectors, card readers, radio controls, electronic cash register, fee computer and ticket dispenser are available. For details, please feel free to contact us!
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性