1. 88DB
  2. 商業
  3. 翻譯

承接各類中英翻譯, 撰稿, 校對, 傳譯工作 (亦提供成人英語補習)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-09-25 刊登者: Private class

全職、經驗豐富 Freelancer (主修語言及翻譯,並於澳洲專修英語) , 承接各類語文相關工作 (網站、宣傳單張、小冊子和業務通訊等),全部親自接洽,準時完成和專業盡責,不設最低收費,更保證不會再外發。



I am a full time and experienced freelancer who had studied English in Australia and majored in Language & Translation, provide different language related services (websites, leaflets, brochures & newsletters...etc). I definitely finish all the jobs myself. No further outsourcing. No minimum charges.



- 中英翻譯 (Chinese to / from English translation)

- 中英撰稿 (Chinese to / from English copywriting)

- 中英校對 (Chinese to / from English proofreading)

- 中英傳譯 (Chinese to / from English interpretation)

- 中英謄寫 (Chinese to / from English transcription)

- 意中翻譯 (Italian to Chinese / English translation)


亦提供成人英語補習(小組、私人、公司課程) ,任職外資公司多年,清楚掌握



Please feel free to contact me


Email:   [email protected]


Phone call / whatsapp:   6926 9309

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性