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Mouse-pad.com.hk company is wholly owned by Yuki T Group

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-09-04 刊登者: Mouse-pad.com.hk

Mouse-pad.com.hk company is wholly owned by Yuki T Group.  Established in 1998, we have our own factory in china and main office in Hong Kong and branch office in Australia for mouse pad, coasters, car pad , wrist rest , table-mat , magnetic bookmark and magnet.  In 2003, we provide standard design or special custom design service .

Mouse-pad normal size is 230 x 180mm for advertisement ! ( also have other size for choice )

Mouse Pads are highly effective and economical way to promote your business, organization, or new product. Your logo and company details can be printed on Mouse-pad for promotion, creating an extremely useful computer accessory and a regular reminder of your company and products to your potential clients.

Wide range of material such as PVC / PP / PE with EVA / rubber sponge / SBR / Natural rubber / PU / Sticky back can be used to MIX and MATCH in order to fit your requirement.

Please contact us for more detail.

e-mail :
[email protected] or [email protected]
Tel : (852) 3427 2129    Fax : (852) 3184 0452  
Web site : www.mouse-pad.com.hk

Hong Kong :
Room 1306, 13/F.,  Wing Hing Industrial Building , 83-93 Chai Wan Kok Street , Tsuen Wan, N.T. , Hong Kong

Mouse-pad.com.hk company wholly by Yuki T Group.
Standard or special custom design also accepted. To have your unique company mouse pad, just give us a call for further discussion.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性