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此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-04-20 刊登者: Mr Wong

本 公司 証書皇 certk.com 為客戶提供一站式優質網上落單服務,由落單至生產過程均一手包辦。除了可減低製作成本之外,亦能有效地準確掌控時間,為客人提供更低廉價格而有效率之證書 製作服務。在將來本公司更積極規範自己各類生產之產品供顧客選購,在不久將來可看到更多的產品,為求做到目標「以客為本,以人為先」。

Certk.com has our own factory which providing a one-stop service from ordering on the web to the production. It can minimize the cost and time controllable which helps to provide the lowest price and the most efficiently certificate production service.You can choose your own as you wish. In our future, we would spread our nature of products for your purchasing to meet our objective “AT YOUR SIDE, ON YOUR MIND”.

Hong Kong Office

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

TEL : 852 - 2548 4852

FAX: 852 - 8161 3116

Shop 24, G/F, Kwan Yick Phase 3, 271 Des Vouex Road West, Hong Kong.

China Office

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

TEL : 86 755 - 8365 6622 / 8363 7788

FAX: 852 - 8161 3116

QQ: 1415964527

Rm 818, Tongjian 3rd Building, Shennam Mid - Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, China.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性