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Fast Route to open BVI Company and BVI bank account 開香港BVI銀行戶口連BVI公司 (經我們申請不難)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2020-08-13 刊登者: edgeprogp

Fast Route to open BVI Company and BVI bank account 開香港BVI銀行戶口連BVI公司 (經我們申請不難)



我們秘書公司背景, 可以處理離岸公司(包括BVI公司)的開立,及以這離岸公司的名義在香港的銀行開戶(包括BVI公司) 通常在香港開設BVI銀行帳戶十分難 (就算申請人的背景正常)。

但是經我們開立帳戶, 您只需有正常背景便可,開設離岸公司和銀行帳戶的最快時間約為2個月。(比用貴價買現有的更理想)



歡迎私下PM我們進一步聯繫,可以先試行一個case睇下大家夾唔夾, 我們也可彈性只處理銀行開戶部份也可, 謝謝 可點擊 http://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=85254943405&text=BVIC 聯繫



Hello, for anyone who would like to open offshore company and bank account, here is an workable solution. Here is company secretary firm handling offshore company setup efficiently(including BVI company), and Hong Kong Bank account opening under offshore company (including BVI bank account) It is normally hard to open a BVI bank account in HK.

However our solution can fulfill to open a BVI bank account, given that you come from a normal background is ok, fastest time to open offshore company and bank account is around 2 months. (Better than to buy an expensive existing one)

*Offshore company including but not limited to Cayman Island, BVI, Seychelles, Bermuda, etc

Feel free to reach and private PM us for the solution, we can go through one case as a start first, also we can only handle the bank opening part, thank you Click http://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=85254943405&text=BVIC for Instant Communication


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