“森特石化”是間多元化的工業密封器材 供應商和代理商,憑著不斷努力,集合工程,供貨,分銷採購的經驗,為工業設備的維修,提供優質的環保防漏、密封、絕緣,抗高溫耐腐蝕之服務。 產品遍及電力、石油、化工、造船、工業製造等範疇,密封膠帶、合成盤根、非石棉墊片;液位計、活塞閥、球閥、吸油棉,工業橡膠、機械密封件、環保系列產 品、所有經銷的品牌皆有國際相關認可証書。
本公司配有經驗豐富、訓練有素的工程技術人員及市場銷售隊伍,集供應、銷售及物流的一站式服務。 優質產品、良好服務、合理價格,請選擇“森特(遠東)石油化工有限公司”。
During the year of 1993, our first company had been established, under the name of Sunitex Petrochemical (Far East) Co. Ltd. In addition, we established a joint ventured enterprise in Guangzhou, China in 1997.
Sunitex is specialized in supplying various kinds of environmental products. Including non-asbes. Jointing sheet, re-engineering PTFE sheeting and Gland Packing for exceptionally low purpose. Beside that, Sunitex also supplies with valves, level-gauge, rubber sheet, series machinery, oil sorbent as well as Enviro-Zyne for enviromental treament, petrochemical industries, power stations, ship building industries and so on.
High quality, efficient, service, competitive price. Sunitex Petrochemical (Far East) Co. Ltd. will be your best choice. Office : Room 709, 7th Floor, Harbor Crystal Centre, No.100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 寫字樓 : 香港九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道100號港晶中心7/F 709室 電話Tel: (852) 2311 3300 傳真 Fax: (852) 2312 2638 電子郵件Email:[email protected] [email protected] 網址Website: http://www.sunitex.com.hk http://www.klinger.com.cn http://www.klinger.com.hk