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  2. 商業
  3. 原料及製品


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-08-27 刊登者: 永進塑膠原料有限公司

永進塑膠原料有限公司 專業生產符合歐、美、日等國家安全標準之全新環保PVC塑膠粒及TPR橡膠粒,自一九九七年起以優良的品質和服務,達至客戶不同之要求;並於二零零六年在國內轉型為獨資企業,為配合國內迅速的經濟發展及融合國家對民營企業之開放政策,於二零一一年成立【東莞市海澄塑膠有限公司】與之合作,繼續經營國內銷售及出口業務。

Process Plastic Material Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing brand new Non-Phthalate Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR) compounds totally comply with European, American and Japanese safety standards. We provide high quality and service to satisfy customer requirements since 1997. For further development in mainland China, we transformed as a wholly-owned enterprises in 2006. In line with rapid economic development and integration of PRC on domestic private enterprises opening policy, DongGuan City HaiCheng Plastic Co., Ltd. was established in 2011, which continue the co-operation of domestic sales and export business in mainland.

地址:香港新界屯門建榮街 33 號建榮工業大廈 10 樓 3-5 室
電話:(852) 2465 0980

(852) 2465 9191

電郵:[email protected]

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