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Yat Cheong Colour Matching Ltd. is one of the leading companies in the colour matching industry

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-08-21 刊登者: Yat Cheong Colour Matching

Yat Cheong Colour Matching Ltd.

With over 20 years experience, Yat Cheong Colour Matching Ltd. is one of the leading companies in the colour matching industry. Our customer-oriented attitude has been the key to maintaining a good reputation in the market. We take care of every kind of customer needs, ranging from spray colours, spray guns to just newspaper or gloves. Our service areas include Hong Kong, China and South East Asia.


AutoMagic & BodyMagic
Spraying processes
SIKA Elastic Adhesive & Sealing system
One-Part Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant
Japan Devilbiss
Spray Gun
Gun Washer
Infra Red Dryer
Solvent Reclaiming Unit

Address: G/F., No.20, Shepherd Street, Tai Hang, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2890 4838       
Fax: (852) 28950251
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.yatcheong.com

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