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Icynote Swiss Cold Wallet of BTC

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2021-09-03 刊登者: icynoteteam

It is the world's first BTC banknote. It is a cold paper wallet that has the particularity of being able to be exchanged for a good as many times as necessary as long as its die is not altered, as if it were cash.
This allows the user to maintain the anonymity of their live and direct transactions, while facilitating the operability in Bitcoins.
The sum of the asset necessary to pay is credited by scanning the ticket's QR code, which will show the public key that will be used to send the bitcoins. It must match the code that is written on the bottom of the banknote. Then, it is paid directly with it at the participating stores.

También se pueden realizar transacciones digitales, quitando el dado para descubrir la clave privada del ticket. Es importante tener en cuenta que, una vez descubierta tu clave privada, el billete no se puede volver a canjear, aunque conserva la calidad de una billetera fría, ideal Se aceptan todo tipo de monedas

Envío: USD 10
Precio por un solo producto: 10 USD
Pack por 100: USD 764
Pack por 1000: USD 6547
Packper 10.000: USD 54555

Para más información y para comprar el producto, visite http://www.icynote.ch/wallets

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性