Stickeasy 裱貼易製作有限公司是一間一站式廣告展覽工程製作公司, 主要提供設計,噴畫,裱貼,backdrop, 展覽工程的服務。
Stickeasy已具備豐富的廣告宣傳製作經驗 , 由構思、制作、統籌至推廣我們均能為各方客人提供專業的意見,深得客戶讚譽。
我們抱著《專業:誠信:快捷:服務》的態度用心聆聽你所需 ,儘心達到你所求。
Stickeasy更不斷引入新的噴畫設備,務求進一步提升 ,令客戶得到較高品質的產品服務。
Stickeasy Production Limited provides enterprises with one-stop service in banner, sticker, backdrop, and other exhibition design and construction services.
Stickeasy has a wealth of experience in advertisement production - offers a wide range of professional services from conception, production to coordination.
Integrating profession, honesty, and efficiency in our companys ethics, we are committed to provide our clients with the right solution for their advertising needs. We constantly upgrade our equipment to maintain product quality level.
Our services include all types of designing, printing and installation assignment, and signature computer inkjet printing projects. Our technical support team has extensive experience in achieving different types of advertising requirements. We have a diverse group of clients, including small and medium enterprises, large corporations, schools and nonprofit organizations. Professional advice will also be provided in material selection, scene design / mix, manufacturing processes and marketing budget and other issues in order to help our clients to maximize return. As a responsible company, we value post-sales support to ensure client satisfaction.
Color management
By implementing international standards ICC color management system, color discrepancy resulted in different software design and mainstream style LCD display and printing equipment is avoided.