Since 1985, Galant Printing Products Limited has established a reputation for the finest quality printing and customer service in Hong Kong. Thousands of square feet of real estate, and millions of dollars invested in equipment show: We've made a serious commitment to do business in Hong Kong.Our team of qualified Customer Service Representatives is ready to assist you with every aspect of production. Whether it's scheduling your job, reviewing your production materials, providing working dummies, imposition information and guidelines: Galant Printing Products' customer service representatives are at your service and ready to anticipate any problems that may occur. From prepress to press checks, to shipping and mailing, they will act as your personal guide through all phases of the printing process. We employ some of the finest professionals in the printing industry. Our staff will provide you with a higher level of troubleshooting and problem solving than you will find anywhere else. In other words, Galant delivers big printer performance with small printer services.Printing ServiceWe can quickly provide a printing price quote for your job as a custom run, or you can take advantage of our document printing price list below for gang run printing and get the lowest possible cost. We can also handle your prepress, photography and graphic design needs. You can also benefit from our offset and digital printing. We even offer direct mail and ftp services.Marketing ManagerContactFlat D, 5/F,Sing Teck Ind. Fty44 Wong Chuk Hang RdHong Kongemail: [email protected]tel: 852-25525090fax: 852-25538898 web: