Since 1993, we've solidly provided effective PR, Marketing and Advertising solutions to communications challenges, based on a planned and professional approach. From concept through to completion, we deliver to each project a full solutions package of intergrated resources according to your needs...when you need them and where you need them.
Effective complete communications answers:
Who is the audience? Where are they? What do they know? What do we want to convey? How do we reach them effectively? Is it through press releases, TVCs, conferences, community relations, media relations, special events, campaigns, advertising, direct mail, etc.? When do we execute? What reaction will result? Why will this program succeed?
Through analysis we create a plan to identify your goals, make them easily understood, find the right resources and carry out the strategy to success.
Each client is unique. We tailor-make a solution that fits only for you. We have a wide range of resources available to us and we utilise only those that get your goals met. It is our team’s vast background of experience that can provide you with a vast range of comprehensive services.
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E's Concept Communication Limited
16/F, Grand View Commercial Centre,
29-31 Sugar Street,
Causeway Bay,
Hong Kong
Gloria Diu
[email protected]
Tel : (852)2890 8277
Fax : (852)2808 2653