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Mystery Shopper - A Freelance Service Evaluator ( 神秘顧客)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-02-27 刊登者: mysteryshopping

Shopaholic?  Have you imagined spending your No.1 interest and expertise to evaluate the service quality from one of your favor brands?  Become a mystery shopper now and enjoy the luxury shopping journey!

有想過運用你的興趣和專長,評估你喜愛品牌的服務水平及銷售顧問的專業知識?只要你具備良好的觀察力及書寫能力, 馬上登記成為神秘顧客享受不一樣的購物之旅!

We are looking for people who love:


Luxury Watch 名錶

High-end Fashion 時裝

Skin care products 護膚品

Luxury Car 名車

Register now 馬上登記:  www.albatrossonline.com

For more information, please email 了解更多: [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性