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  2. 商業
  3. 物流及倉儲

Korchina Group has the very dynamic history since it started logistics business 1994.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-03-27 刊登者: 韓中物流集團有限公司

Korchina Group has the very dynamic history since it started logistics business 1994.

The group has growp up from a Hong Kong based forwarder to the solution provider in logistics,offshore company management,insurance,trading and retail business.

Reviewing the past 17 years,the sales turnover has increased annually over 20 percent,and we achieved USD150 million of turnover in 2010 financial year.At present Korchina Group runs 33 overseas branches and employs 850 staff over the world.

Room 2612-2616, The Metropolis Tower,
10 Metropolis Drive, Hunghom,
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: (852)2407 3939     Fax: (852)2407 5454     Email: [email protected]


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