1. 88DB
  2. 商業
  3. 教學進修

We have prepared and trained thousands of manager and professional of various industries

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-09-04 刊登者: 專業認證學院
Academy of Professional Certification Limited is on a non-profit making, non-religious &, non-political  basis. We have prepared and trained thousands of manager and professional of various industries. Today, we have gained a reputation and established itself as one of the leading providers of quality corporate and professional training, to help Hong Kong people meet the nation's need for qualified skilled professionals with international standard.

The Executive Council


Promote, develop and standardize the best management practices as a way of occupational competencies. Through our work, we aim to help building up the best quality of people competencies, competitive management practices in business communities, human relationships and community in Hong Kong.

On a non-profit making, non-religious & non-political  basis.

to establish and maintain an association for persons and organizations concerned with quality and practical professional certification

to provide and enhance profession learning and certification for the needs of local people and China immigrant

to advance lifelong education and relief of poverty, to offer financial assistance to those in need

to train and mentor persons or organizations their professionalism with Asia Pacific and China experience

to develop and establish the general practices, standards, and rules for certification process

Academy of Professional Certification
8/F., Ford Glory Plaza,
37-39 Wing Hong Street,
Cheung Sha Wan,
Kowloon, H.K.     
 Telephone:  (852) 2314 1010
 Fax:              (852) 2314 3900
email: [email protected]


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