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Magen Technology Co. Ltd. 提供除垢殺菌器、海水冷却、污水處理等服務

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-09-19 刊登者: Magen Technology Co,Ltd.

Magen Technology Co. Ltd. has equiped and supported by experienced professionals in designing patented magnetic products which have  been performed effectively and enviromentally on Anti-scale and Disinfection aspects at cooling water systems for chiller plant, power  station and factory of more than 50 projects at recent 10 years in China .

Other advanced products for aquarium use have been developed  on aspects : Disinfection , clear water and increse in Dissolved Oxygen etc.

We are also the sole agent of "Lotus Clear Water" which is an unique & advanced physical water treatment in arresting all the hard scales from contaiminated water in a cage which can be brushed off afterwards.Quantity of scale removal is up to 2-5 kg per week in a cooling water tower.

Magen Technology Co. Ltd is associated with Credilink International Ltd.,which was founded in 1992

電話: 3690 1881
地址 : 香港九龍新蒲崗伍芳街23-25號緯綸工業大廈10楼D10室
電郵: [email protected]

網址: http://www.magen.ecomm.hk/


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性