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  2. 商業
  3. 環保設備及回收

本公司產品具有原色、半透明及高透明並適合各類用途之環保 PVC 塑膠粒,如玩具粒、硬管粒、吹瓶粒、泳具粒及錶帶粒等

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-02-15 刊登者: 永進塑膠原料有限公司

本公司產品具有原色、半透明及高透明並適合各類用途之環保 PVC 塑膠粒,如玩具粒、硬管粒、吹瓶粒、泳具粒及錶帶粒等;提供各種規格、軟硬度、顏色及香味,更可代客配色;另有 TPR 橡膠粒可供選擇。所有產品均定期送到世界公認之大型化驗所作檢測,以保證品質符合國際安全標準。

Our factory produces off-white, opaque and transparent non-phthalate PVC compounds which are widely applied in toys, tube, bottle, swim ware and watch belt, etc. Our compounds are suitable for extrusion, blowing and injection molding respectively, it can be colored with different hardness and fragrance to fulfill customer's requirement. TPR compound is also available for chosen. All products are sent to worldwide recognized test centers periodically to guarantee the quality could comply with international safety standards.

地址: 香港新界屯門建榮街 33 號建榮工業大廈 10 樓 3-5 室
電話: (852) 2465 0980
傳真: (852) 2465 9191
電郵: [email protected]
網址: http://www.processplastic.com

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性