1. 88DB
  2. 商業
  3. 撰稿

we strive to provide different services, including translation and interpretation

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-06-04 刊登者: 訊安傳播國際有限公司

Our translators possess an in-depth understanding of the language of the source text and that of the translated version. Only those with native language skills will be assigned for translation tasks in which their linguistic expertise is best applied.

Securing an accurate and precise grasp of the intended meanings of a text, rendered subsequently in a different language with idiomatic fluency and professional terms, underscores the essence of top-quality translation. As languages are constantly evolving, our experienced translators will use the latest professional terminology to provide the most accurate translation.

We will select translators with a deep knowledge of the industry context related to the original text to undertake the translation work at hand. The translation will be completed in line with the writing style and tone as requested by the client.

To provide translation services of the highest standard, we undertake total quality control, throughout the entire process, from commissioning of the original text to the point the translation work is completed, reflecting our commitment to high efficiency and precision in service delivery.

We possess a team of highly experienced interpreters proficient at providing interpretation services in many different languages to clients of various professional sectors

Escort Interpretation
Our interpreters can provide escort interpretation services during business conferences, business trips, factory visits or city sightseeing

Conference Interpretation
Our data interpreters can provide simultaneous interpretation or continuous interpretation services, including those required at various kinds of meetings, exhibitions, court hearings and immigration interview procedures

Rental of Interpretation Equipment
We provide various kinds of interpretation as well as video-audio equipment for rental
Types of languages



Suite 2103, 21/F., Easey Commercial Building,
253-261 Hennessy Road, Wanchai Hong Kong.
Tel No.:
+852 2596 9801
Fax No.:
+852 2596 9800
24 Hours Service Hotline:
+852 2596 9802
Contact Person:
Ms. Karen CHING
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