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www.doholo.com DoHoLo Ideas Exchange 免費創意交流平台 / 創作人免費分類廣告 / 香港人的社交網絡 / 免費發佈分享資訊

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-07-09 刊登者: szlc_imhk


是「我創香港」IMHK Business Consultant成立的創意產業推廣支援平台。「我創香港」的理念是「創意改變生活」,「我」是指每個香港人,每個人都在貢獻自己的力能將香港變成一個更有活力,更有生命力的城市。





創辦人: Renfred Yu




is an Ideas Exchange platform for changemakers, creators, craftsmen, and startup business in Hong Kong. Our aim is to build up a directory and/or a classified web site for the community to encourage innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Creation and Innovation are the lights for the next generation. By establishing the site, we hope to empower changemakers and collectively utilize the resources to nurture more and more Creative Pioneer to build a better world.

"Can Do" Sprite

After the economic tsunami in 2008, it is realized that encouraging creations and innovations were better choice to move the development of society, both in terms of economics as well as cultural, instead of printing money and buying bonds.

Future development of society depends on current investment on "can do" sprite of innovation and creativity. Open source software and hardware will definitely change our future life style. Even a little spark of idea or flash of craziness can bring changes to the world with encouragements and proper guidance. The world need more people willing and dare to make their first move, to start up their business ideas, to realize their beliefs, and make it sustainable responsible and benefiting the society.

DoHoLo as a starting point to demonstrate the "can do" sprite, and by gathering social starters, creators and changemakers, set up a model of creator community and hope one day we can share our experience all over the world, bring more people to join our team and stand by us.

The basic functionality is already set up and the site is running, we need your help to sustain the project and further develop the site to be a platform of social starters. Please follow us at the Facebook Fan Page for the latest news about our development!

Founder: Renfred Yu



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