atrain is a global human resources management consultancy. Our mission is to help you to discover your talents and develop your people. We do this by offering practical solutions to your selection and development challenges.
But we do not just offer solutions; we go the extra mile to find out what your goals are and tailor our solutions to your organization’s needs. Together with you, we work out…
What you wish to achieve
What precisely you need to realize your goals
What the context is, e.g. budget and management culture
Who will be involved, and
How success will be measured
In close collaboration, we will develop the concept, plan for the implementation and support you in rollout. By applying efforts to areas that are relevant to your goals, we will help you and your business to generate quantifiable returns on your investments.
atrain (Hong Kong) Ltd.
11D, Ho Lee Commercial Building, 38-44 D’Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong.
+852 2522 9018
[email protected]