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MVA Hong Kong Limited / MVA Asia Limited Provide : traffic engineering, transport planning...etc.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-02-10 刊登者: MVA Hong Kong Limited / MVA Asia Limited

MVA in Hong Kong

MVA's operation in Hong Kong was first established in 1978. Today the Asian headquarters has more than 160 staff resident in the HKSAR & Mainland China, the majority of whom are professionally qualified specialists in economics, statistics, business consulting & marketing research, transport planning, investment appraisal, traffic engineering and computer science.

MVA has been heavily involved in all aspects of Hong Kong's development providing in depth technical expertise for rail and for all major developments. MVA has also been a major transport consultant for government projects over the last 30 years.

MVA also offers an expanding service area in Business, Market and Social Research.

MVA offers strength and depth of experience and a very wide range of skills from its staff of policy advisors, transport planners, modellers, traffic engineers, traffic control and surveillance experts, railway and public transport planners, economists, market researchers, planners, and computer experts.
MVA Asia Limited / MVA Hong Kong Limited

Address: 14th Floor West, Warwick House, TaiKoo Place, 979 King's Road, Island East, Hong Kong

Tel:+852 2529 7037    
Fax:+852 2527 8490    
Email:[email protected]
Website: http://www.mvaasia.com/hongkong.html

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