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Lam Construction Group Provide:Design,Construction & Environmental Solutions in Greater China & Asia

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-01-27 刊登者: Lam Construction Co Ltd


Lam Geotechnics advantages are :

  • Professional & internationally trained staff
  • Specialist equipment and resources
  • ETWB Group II qualified and Buildings Department Registered Specialist Contractor for GIFW
  • Independently certified international Safety (OHSAS 18001), Environmental (ISO 14001) and Quality (ISO 9001) Management Systems
  • 30 years of site investigation experience in HK and SE Asia

Lam Geotechnics' goals are:

  • Understand Clients needs and work within Client's team
  • Deliver on planning, programme and cost demands
  • Work to manage safety on site, minimise risk and deliver value

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